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  • Writer's pictureEthan Media


Updated: Apr 25, 2023

  • This advert draws your attention right away with the bright and bold colours of yellow and blue, which also links to the Lucozade itself.

  • This vibrancy of colour could link to the energetic nature of the Lucozade drink.

  • Gareth Bale is used as the main sports star, as a role model for the audience looking at this advert.

  • Children especially would want to be like him so would copy him buying the drink.

  • Gareth Bale is at eye level with the audience. This suggests that he is equal to us and that by consuming Lucozade you can be a sports star like him.

  • "In a different league" is a reference to sporting activity and suggests that the energy drink is better than all the competition

  • Sans serif font- Modern and contemporary

  • Celebrity endorsement- Picture of Gareth Bale (made soon after his move to Real Madrid when he was very popular and the most expensive player in football history). Information on his background makes it look as though he is a "test subject" which links to the"scientifically proven" claim

  • Yellow - Energy

  • Blue - Intelligence/Trust/ Men

  • Yellow and blue are complimentary but also link to the brand colours.

  • "YES" is a positive word also links to sport

  • "Scientifically proven" is a glittering generality as it is not backed up by facts however it looks appealing to the reader.

  • Match attacks? intertextuality

Exam question answer:

In this advert Gareth Bale is shown as an ambassador for the product and gives the sense of personal connection the brand as the product is placed in front of him. This gives an idea of trust with the brand as if Bale, a well-respected footballer, is willing to want and be a part of the brand it must be very good.

The mid close-up portrait shot of Bale facing directly toward the camera, dressed in sportswear, and looking as if he is sweating/wet gives the idea that he has been training hard. However, at the same time he seems in focus and all together even after doing a very hard training exercise. This gives the impression that he can do this due to drinking Lucozade. With the intense and piecing look that Blae has it gives the impression that he ‘means business’ and that you should be trusting his opinion therefore it suggests hoe the product is reliable and authentic.

Bales expression makes his brow and jawline very masculine and very prominent, again reflecting his intense focus and determination, that Lucozade gives him. His posture is very strong and respectable and as he is a highly praised, at the time, footballer it reflects in the product for the same reason as he is the ambassador, giving the product the feeling of respectability, strength and effectiveness. Moreover, his direct eye-contact with the camera is connotational and implies that his is addressing the viewer personally, direct address, with full trust in the product.

The advert uses the colour blue in the background, text, product and fortunately in Bales eyes. Blue has the connotations of maculate, calmness, and positive lifestyle, this fits the product well and focuses to the target audience. Being young sport-orientated individuals, most likely footballers. Also, the colours yellow and white are used. These connote the ideas of excitement, positivity, happiness, indicating and suggesting to the user that this is what they will get/feel from the product. Moreover, the advert doesn’t specify or give any indication of a location, it is a simplistic design that is also framed it takes away any possible distraction and keeps focus on the product and Bale. By doing this with the frame and simplistic design it arrows the viewers scope on imagination and gets to the point, being very direct.

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