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  • Writer's pictureEthan Media

News Values (CUPPTUNE)

Gate keeping – Editing and filtering process where decisions are made to let same information ‘pass through’ to receiver (audience)

News Values –

C – Continuity/currency – something that is constant/ ‘hold on’/ ‘Story that has legs’

U – Unexpectedness – Something that is ‘breaking’ news.

P – Proximity – Local news (England or county)

P – Personalisation – Stories that include human interest/ real people

T – Threshold – The bigger the impact and reach of the story.

U – Unambiguous – Easy to understand and for people to report on. Factual (Rishi us PM)

N – Negativity – Bad news is more interesting ‘if it bleeds, it leads’

E – Elite person/places – Stories almost powerful people and powerful nations.

This headline uses the news values of continuity as this inflation of England as it is a constantly being spoken or written about in the news. This conveys how constant ‘bad news’ becomes a normality and draws in readers. Also it applied the news value of personalisation as it is something that everyone in the UK will face, therefore it will be drawing in more readers as they will want to know how it will affect them even if it has negative repercussions.

This headline uses the news values of elite person(s) and personalisation giving the reader a drawing factor, a sense of empathy. The use of personalisation draws in people that may have experiences the same situation, or have someone in there family (a Veteran) that didn't get the clarification that needed. Moreover the application of news value elite person(s) gives the story more reach as people have respect for them.

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