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  • Writer's pictureEthan Media

Audience Notes

An individual or collective group of people who read or consume any media text.

Why are they important:

no audience = no media

media is produced for profit, so no audience means no profit.

Types of audience:

Mass audience: Those who consume mainstream or popular texts such as soaps or sitcoms. Media and consumption that target a very large group of people.

Niche audience: Much smaller but very influential. A niche audience is a small, selected group of people with a unique interest.

Audiences can be divided into categories based on social class/grade.

​Letter code



Higher management, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, Etc…


Middle management, Teachers, Creative and Media people (graphical designers)



Office Supervisors, Junior Management, Nurses, Specialist Clerical staff, White Collar Jobs

Skilled Manual Workers, Plumbers, Builders, Blue Collar Jobs


Semi-Skilled and Unskilled Manual Workers


​Unemployed, Students, Pensioners, Casual Workers

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