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  • Writer's pictureEthan Media

BBC radio 1 Breakfast Show

Radio introducing – Adele, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith

Audience –

· Who is the target audience? 16-29

· How they are targeted by

· Pleasures (Personal identification, Information, Entertainment, Social interaction)

· Access Online+ Platforms (Phone, TV, PC, Laptop, Tablet, Alexa)

· Interaction + response


4 times in an hour you would get an advert on a commercial radio (16mins of an hour). BBC does not have adverts, caring more about audience than money.

Commercial radio play top 40 over and over. The BBC don’t replay.


Greg James- very interactive, caring, friend with audience.

Joined in 2018

Radio 1 BS decline:

· Proliferation of digital radio

· Less brand loyalty

· Radio and Newspapers seen at least dynamic/interactive media for youth audiences

· Internet radio

Now down to 9 million listeners per week.

Greg James not the ‘household name’ that Tony Blackburn was Heart FM now has more listeners.

1. How old is the BBC?

100 years old

2. Who is Lord Reith and what connection does he have with the BBC? John Reith (1889-1971) was the founder of the BBC. He was its first general manager when it was set up as the British Broadcasting Company in 1922 and he was its first director general when it became a public corporation in 1927.

3. When did it start broadcasting Radio 1? Started broadcasting radio one in 1967

4. What are the BBC’s six Public Purposes, as set out in the Royal Charter?

5. What is the BBC’s Mission?

6. What is the BBC’s Vision?

7. What are the BBC’s Values?

8. What does the licence fee cover?

9. How is the BBC regulated? How long as this body regulated the BBC and who regulated it before?

10. Who was the first ever Breakfast show presenter?

11. List some other DJs that have presented the show.

12. Find out a little biographical information about Greg James

13. What are the current listening figures for Radio 1?

14. Who is the controller of BBC radio 1?

15. How is it funded?

16. How much does the audience pay? How does it work?

17. How does radio 1 try and be distinctive?

18. What is the difference between radio 1 and commercial radio stations? Give a few examples.


The show has now added a theme tune (gap in market).

Big imaging (imaging means the audio signifiers). Wanted the show to have a ‘confident’ but ‘big’ feel reflecting the BBC as institution.

A range of music ‘beds’ (behind the talking) – music beds allow for narrative continuity.

New Features – ‘Ten minute take-over’ and ‘game of phones’

R1 Breakfast show - 24 million weekly listeners – 53years old - 7-10:30am

Broadcast in comedic ‘zoo format’

RAJAR – radio joint audience research – charts and identifies audience and listeners through an online diary. – figures more immediately available.

Proliferation (everywhere) of digital platforms means there is now more diversity and choice – although this does not directly impact on R1 Breakfast show it means different patterns of consumption.

Dhow has increasingly more successful online – BBC sounds –

Vevo – 1.6m views a day

iPlayer channel receives 1.1m views a month

Funded by TV licence

Commercial – make money by advertisers and by music companies paying to use.

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