Order of Narrative
Screen time
Cut - A simple change from one shot to another shot.
It keeps the pace/drama going of a scene
Allowing editor to cut to another angle.
Not obvious.
Shot/reverse shot - When an editor cuts back and forth from on person to another, whilst they are interacting.
Shows conversation and interaction more
Eye line match - When editor shows us what a character is seeing
Make it clear what the character is looking at
puts the audience in the characters shoes.
Graphic match - Cutting from one shot, to another one that looks visually similar.
Shows that there is some kind of like or similarity between two different situations.
Action Match - cutting from a shot with some kind of movement in, to another shot of that action from a different angle, making it look like one smoother movement.
Keeping the audience engaged in the scene.
Jump cut - cutting a piece of a shot out and not using anything to cover the edit.
Makes something seem amateur
Makes something seem chaotic, crazy, repetitive
Cross cutting/parallel editing - Cutting from one scene in one location, to another scene in another location.
Makes it look as though the scenes might be happening at the same time.
To communicate a connection between two things.
Cutaway/insert shot - when an editor adds in a shot of something relevant to break up a longer shot or scene.
Breaks up a longer shot and keeping the audience engaged.
Dissolve - When two shots blends together for a moment whilst transitioning.
Makes it seem like time is passing.
Fade in/out - When a solid colour slowly changes into a shot. The solid colour choice might connote a different meaning.
Makes it seem like time has passed
Showing the end or beginning.
Wipe - When a shot appears to be 'wiped' or 'pushed' off the screen or onto the screen. Often using different shapes.
Makes something seem fun or comedic.
Superimposition - When a shot or other element is places on top of another shot so you can see both on screen together.
To add information
To anchor the meaning of the scene
Making the element seem more important.
Long Take - When the editor leaves a shot on screen for a long time without cutting away to something else.
To add slow pace/ seem relevant
Makes the audience feel uncomfortable
Shot Take - When the editor only leaves a shot/shots on screen for a shot time before cutting
Makes the scene seem fasted paced
Slow Motion - When a shot or scene has been slowed down.
Making it seem dramatic
Drawing the audiences attention to something
Split screen - when two or more shots/scences play on screen at the same time but in operate sections of the screen.
Suggestion two scenes
takes away the realism
Linking people together
Comic affect
Desaturation - When a shot has had the colour drained out of it.