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  • Writer's pictureEthan Media

Film poster Analysis

This poster uses the colour red in both the title and the tag line, this connotes danger and suggests that the people on the plane arent in a good situation. Morover it also connotes the idea of a medical problem/emergency, suggesting that this is what is causing this hazard on the plane. Further more the title of the film turns away from the audience as if moving quickly, this connotes that the plane isnt in control and somehting bad is going to happen.

The main image is placed directly in the center showin ghow this is the focus of the movie, however it doenst star any of the charachers/passangers within the plane suggesting that what happens to the plane is the focus and not the people within, on the other hand it could also suggest that all the passengers are of equal in this moment of vunrability and they need to work together to make sure the danger is lessened or diminished.

The lower tagline uses a sence of humor showing that the film is clearly comedy based. Therefoere the possible danger or emergency is more of a joke and maybe not even true. Furthermore the idea that they mocking the idea of it being a movie showing even more how it must be a joke or comedy.

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