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  • Writer's pictureEthan Media


· Radio remains resilient

· The reach of radio is still high – almost 90% of adults tune in on a weekly basis

· UK adults the majority of time spent listening to any audio is accounted for by live radio (71%), 16-24 spend similar amounts of time with live radio (29%), personal digital audio (26%) and streaming (25%)

· Overall commercial stations increased revenue in 2015

· In 2015 0ver 40% of all reported radio listening was via a digital device.

· A second national DAB network of transmitters was switched on in March 2016, bringing 15 unique radio services.

PSB – Public Service Broad Cast

Must cater for all ages/genders/race/religion/class, etc. They also must archive a mix or education, information and entertainment.

Different remits for different channels:

· The BBC has 100% PSB remits

· ITV has a much smaller PSB remits

· Channel 4

· Channel 5

Radio 1:

· Seems to fulfil their PSB remit to a rather well as they play current music, which will appeal to many people as new music covers a large range of variety of genres. It also has game shows of trivia and entertainment-based games. This will clearly target a span of ages. Also, with a large range of genres of music it will attract all different cultures.

· Radio 1 is more based in the entertainment action of PSB remit. It is upbeat full of current music and games. So, it is clearly there to entertain there audience more than anything else. Having said this, they still broadcast news (to inform).

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