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  • Writer's pictureEthan Media

Radio Intro

· Radio remains resilient

· The reach of radio is still high – almost 90% of adults tune in on a weekly basis

· UK adults the majority of time spent listening to any audio is accounted for by live radio (71%), 16-24 spend similar amounts of time with live radio (29%), personal digital audio (26%) and streaming (25%)

· Overall commercial stations increased revenue in 2015

· In 2015 0ver 40% of all reported radio listening was via a digital device.

· A second national DAB network of transmitters was switched on in March 2016, bringing 15 unique radio services.

PSB – Public Service Broad Cast

Must cater for all ages/genders/race/religion/class, etc. They also must archive a mix or education, information and entertainment.

Different remits for different channels:

· The BBC has 100% PSB remits

· ITV has a much smaller PSB remits

· Channel 4

· Channel 5

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